Inspector Insights

Foundation Repairs
— Published 8/12/22

According to Google trends for foundation repairs in the last 5 years, Texas, more specifically Tyler / Longview areas are ranked in the top spots for homeowners or prospective buyers. Homebuying can be tough already, but with a spicy increase in market sales over the last year, stressing over the foundation can be cumbersome. How do you know if the potential home has a good foundation? Well, it’s always recommended to have it professionally evaluated, here are some common signs that can help.


Slab foundations

Slab foundations - Concrete slabs are the most commonly used in Tyler / Longview regions.

Common Signs of Foundation Issues

  • Cracks: These can manifest in many ways. Sometimes cracks can be observed on the foundation itself, exterior bricks, interior walls, ceilings and floors. Not all crack means foundation problems, but can certainly be an indicator.

  • Doors / Windows: If the doors/windows are out-of-level they can be difficult to open or close. Typically, if the door is installed properly, the misaligned is caused to the wall dropping.

  • Chimney / Fireplace: Often the chimney is installed on its own foundation support, however, if the chimney is leaning or cracking around the fireplace, these can also be an indicator of foundation issues.

  • Slab Leaks: More common in older homes, a shift in the foundation can cause the plumbing lines installed underneath slab to leak.

Conditions that can cause Foundation issues

The #1 culprit of foundation issues tends to be due to expansion soil. In this part of Texas, the clay, commonly found in the soil, absorbs water and will expand. This expansion in the soil causes the movement and can lead to uplifting. On the other side of the spectrum, when the clay soils dry out during the warmer weather, it will shrink and can lose its contact with foundation. This leads to settlement.

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